Grant Nel

Grant’s early ancestors were French Huguenots who arrived at the Cape in the late 17th century, so Africa is truly in his blood. Growing up in remote parts of Zimbabwe and Namibia he developed an early passion for the wilderness and after completing a degree in Zoology, trained as a Guide, at the world renowned Mala Mala Game Reserve. Later Grant moved to the remote Linyanti Reserve, in Northern Botswana, a place first put on the map thanks to the journeys of David Livingstone, and here he cemented his already considerable reputation, as one of the continent’s leading Naturalist Guides.

Grant has an obvious passion for Africa’s people and wildlife and strongly believes that without an appreciation of the past, you cannot hope to understand the future. Between leading safaris for the Smithsonian Institution and his work as an environmental consultant, he still finds time to help with an environmental education and outreach program for underprivileged children.

Grant lives close to the confluence of the Chobe and Zambezi Rivers, in Northern Botswana, with his wife Sharon and their two dogs Taz and Panda.